Renewable Energy Resources Quarterly Fuel Filing Reports are required of biomass, biogas and landfill waste facilities. Quarterly Fuel Reports are now required to be provided completely through the RI RES Portal. Starting with Q3 of 2022, email submissions are no longer permitted. Please see instructional webinar below to view a sample submission. You can also find detailed instructions for filing these reports here.


RES Regulations Section 6.3 (i): Renewable Energy Resources of the type that combust fuel to generate electricity including but not limited to biomass facilities and dual fuel facilities must file quarterly reports due 60 days after the end of each quarter on the fuel stream used during the quarter. Such reports shall include the amounts, energy content, and other details of all fuels used and energy generated, sufficient to allow the Commission to determine the resource’s eligibility under the Renewable Energy Act and, in the case of plants that co-fire an Eligible Biomass Fuel with a fossil fuel, to allow the Commission to determine or verify what amount of the Renewable Energy Resource’s generation during that quarter is certified as being eligible. Generation Units that fail to supply such reports shall be immediately decertified.

Quarterly Filing due dates are the same every year:

Quarter Date Quarter Ends Date Filings are Due
Quarter 1 March 31 May 30
Quarter 2 June 30 August 29
Quarter 3 September 30 November 29
Quarter 4 December 31 March 1